We manage two Funds: Albizia ASEAN Opportunities Fund and Albizia ASEAN Tenggara Fund. The former favours smaller capitalised companies, the latter newer service-oriented sectors, but both have exactly the same terms.

Fund Performance


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Fund Terms

Fund Name  ~
Albizia ASEAN Opportunities Fund / Albizia ASEAN Tenggara Fund

~   Management Fee  ~
1.25% p.a.: 1% for Longevity Sub-Class Share after five years

~   Performance Fee  ~
10% of profits with 3% compounded hurdle rate and high watermark
50% of fee reinvested in the Fund for a minimum of 2 years

~   Redemption  ~
Monthly with 90 days notice

~   Subscription   ~

~   Early Redemption Penalty   ~
5% payable to the Fund within first 12 months of subscription;
2.5% payable to the Fund between 13 to 24 months of subscription

~   Administrator / Custodian  ~
DBS Bank

~   Auditor  ~

~   Legal Counsel  ~
Conyers, Dill & Pearman / Rajah & Tann / Baker & McKenzie LLP

~   Domicile  ~
Cayman Island

~   Bloomberg Code  ~

Albizia Capital Pte Ltd
36 Armenian Street #03-07 (access from Lobby 1), Singapore 179934
Tel: +65 6224 2889
Email: [email protected]