Our Edge

A highly disciplined, bottom-up investing approach based on proprietary in-house research and our experience.

Albizia Capital invests solely in the unique ASEAN consumer sector. 

While what appeals to local tastebuds is varied, the region is unified by the drive of more than 600 million consumers trying to improve their living standards, whether it is by buying trusted food brands in a more modern store, seeking out healthcare or renovating their homes.

It has one of the largest and most diverse investment universes, and this suits our bottom-up stock-picking style.

The diversity of the region creates multiple opportunities that require specialist focus and dedication to understand: it cannot be understood via the rest of Asia, let alone from the other side of the world. Being Singapore-based, staffed with ASEAN citizens (Singaporean, Vietnamese, Thai) gives us a significant advantage.

Complexity Yields Opportunity

By devoting the resources to ASEAN that it requires to be properly understood, Albizia Capital spans the whole region, finding unique investment opportunities for long term capital and becoming a long-term partner for its consumer-focused entrepreneurs.

Albizia Capital Pte Ltd
36 Armenian Street #03-07 (access from Lobby 1), Singapore 179934
Tel: +65 6224 2889
Email: [email protected]